Applied Geophysics
APPLIED GEOPHYSICS(应用地球物理)是由中国地球物理学会主办的一份综合性应用地球物理专业英文版定期期刊,于2004年7月正式创刊。倡导学科渗透、技术综合;突出创新、讲求实效;以及及时跟踪前沿技术研究信息。
Applied Geophysics期刊介绍
APPLIED GEOPHYSICS Journal is the official quarterly journal of the Chinese
Geophysical Society and is accepted by
the ;U.S. Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). It started publication on July, 2004.
The Journal publishes geophysics applications in the fields of energy, resource,
environment, disaster, engineering, and information. The publication
emphasizes the development of importance and the scientific achievements
in geophysics and all fringe sciences
related to geophysics, comprehensive research,
eminent case histories, experiences in production management, the research
of leading technology, and important scientific and technological events. It is published in March, June,
September, and December. Contributions and subscriptions are warmly welcome.
Applied Geophysics收录情况
- 知网收录(中)
- 万方收录(中)
- 主编:范伟粹
- 地址:北京市
- 邮编:100013